Dealing with DNS
Sometimes it’s the simplest things that can seriously complicate launching a website. Domain name issues are among those little details that, if not caught, can create problems. For example, most clients expect email and website hosting to be grouped together. Understanding the differences in these two services can be confusing and complicated. One of the reasons this happens is a failure to understand that hosting a website and hosting email are actually two different services. This month’s newsletter discusses potentially confusing aspects of hosting, and defines some technical terms.
At its inception the Internet was used solely by computer geeks and techies. Today the web has grown to become something we use on a daily basis. It’s amazing how quickly the Internet went from obscurity to becoming something we take completely for granted. We hardly give a second thought to how this incredible system works.
Behind the scenes however, there are technical processes that make email and websites work. While some of us are curious enough to explore the inner workings, I imagine most don’t particularly care, as long as it keeps working. However, when building a website, questions about hosting must come up. Having a working knowledge of the key aspects of how hosting works can help avoid problems stemming from hosting related issues.