13 May 2011

Shared Web Hosting

Have you experience of shared cheapest web hosting in our Fast Reliable Dedicated servers, We provide cheapest and Best Shared web hosting in Your locality With 99.99% uptime, About equal to free web hosting with all world class web hosting features and best Technical Support in the market, Choice is yours “Linux or Windows” there is no difference in the prices of  Windows or Linux hosting and we don’t insist for Hidden charges, Our Shared Hosting packages fulfill the requirements of all kinds of Customers.

[big-button link=”https://www.karachiwebhosting.com/shared-hosting/” color=”blue”]View Details[/big-button]

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13 May 2011

Linux Or Windows Web Hosting Reseller

Linux or windows reseller web hosting, We provide both world’s famous plate form linux and windows web hosting, Whether you want to develop your website in php or going to install wordpress blog and want to use MYSQL Linux hosting meets your all requirements, or you want to develop your website in ASP.net or you require MSSQL Database our windows based dedicated server are best to fulfill your requirements, you can find here world’s best and cheapest reseller web hosting, we, best hosting resellers in Pakistan.

[big-button link=”https://www.karachiwebhosting.com/reseller-webhosting/” color=”green”]View Details[/big-button]

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13 May 2011

e-mail Hosting

Companies always prefer to contact with other companies and personal through emails, so you need email hosting to represent you company.we provide reliable fast and most affordable Email hosting for you, whether you want Linux based hosting or windows based hosting we have the solution for your all email issues.Our e-mail hosting solution is perfect for small and medium businesses with their own domain name which allow user to choose mail interface like RoundCube,SquirrelMail,Horde or Imap.cheapest email hosting packages available.

[big-button link=”https://www.karachiwebhosting.com/e-mail-hosting/” color=”grey”]View Details[/big-button]

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29 Apr 2011

Ask for Domain Name Registration

Are you looking for new cheapest domain name registration or you want to Renew, transfer your domain, KarachiWebHosting can provide you best solutions.We will register your domain whether that is with PK extension or any other country domain or belong to popular domain names.If you want to hide your domain name ownership, we will do for you in free.We register your domains in very cheap and low rates.If you want to monetize or park your domain or you want to transfer your popular or pakistan domain we will help you out.

[big-button link=”https://www.karachiwebhosting.com/buy-domain-names/” color=”black”]Domain Price list[/big-button]

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