Importance of .PK Domain
If you are running a business in Pakistan, website name with tag of pk domain name would be best and suitable for you. Recently Google has updated its ranking factors and searching algorithm. Now, website that has SSL certificate installed for security and county code domain name would have edge on their competitors. Google would rank well those domains which meet their criteria and policy guide lines. However, if your website is about BlogSpot or social networking in Pakistan, select the appropriate name for your domain like Your domain name tells the others about the nature of your website. Select a name which can be easily remember and check the spellings of your domain twice before registration because it cannot be undo if you did any mistake. No matter in which city you reside e.g. Karachi, Peshawar, Lahore, Islamabad or any other city of Pakistan, Karachi Web Hosting provides their services at your doorstep. So you can register your domain from anywhere in Pakistan.
Buy Cheap Priced PKNIC Domain
As we all know that PKNIC is the private limited company having its main office in USA and sale office in Lahore, Pakistan and it is responsible for all operations associated with Pakistani web names so we can say every name issued by them can be also called as PKNIC Domain .pk domain name extension trend are growing very fast in this modern era and we are providing simplest and easiest method for domain registration by yourself. Moreover, you can now add a flavor of .com , .org and .edu also in your .pk domain as e.g., and We are always looking forward in order to give better and best services to our clients and customers. Our goal is to facilitate our clients with low cost and best technical support that is why we are not only selling in lesser costs than PKNIC itself but also we are nominated as cheapest .pk domain registrar in the industry of Pakistani companies so avail best chance for buying .pk domain registration and renewal in in budget costs and with all accepted local and international payment gateways..
Why KarachiWebHosting for PK Domains?
We are providing web hosting services to our clients that they can use without getting hives all over the forehead and client would proud to refer us as reliable Pakistani web hosting company. Thanks to our clients to trust us since we start back in 2008. To deliver reliable web hosting service in Pakistan, Karachi web hosting inspired by a great quote of Jeff Bezos, chief executive officer of
“If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6 friends. If you make customer unhappy on the internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends”
So, we are always try to leave our customer happy after buying domain registration or web hosting services from us. This quote also endorse this fact that you find great potential clients over the internet as compare to physical world, and how important the online web appearance for a business. We are proud member of PKNIC (Main registry for .PK domain) for being the Best .PK Reseller for Pakistan domain names that ends with .pk,,,,, & Thank you for the recognition of our effort! Its encourage us to deliver more professional and affordable domain registration service in Pakistan.
Purchase any Domain
Day by day possibility of ideal web name space is getting lesser and lesser but don’t worry we still have solutions for you and for your domain Registration process. We deal in almost all domain extension of the world and you will find world’s cheapest domain registration in Karachi from us. If you are not willing to buy Pakistani name space or you are a multi-nation / International brand or you still believe in deploying your project through a popular suffix like .com or even you are looking for multiple extensions including country based ccTlds, Tlds or Gtlds, we are equally good in all to book for you whether those are restricted or easily registerable for individuals. We have all knowledge to secure any internationalized web domain extension on your behalf and ahead of all, most of the time you will find our rates for registration, renewal and transfer, even lower than most of world wide renewed provider with an edge of local and practical existence with in your reach to deal with any kind of after sales issues.
Smooth Renewal and Transfer Process
We always focused on client satisfactions like being a human, sometimes one can forget to pay and extend the renewal or may be unable to figure out how to transfer your domain from one registrar to other. Don’t you worry you’ll never miss it out. Our auto domain renewal alert even remind us that domain of particular client going to expire. So, to rusticate the any possible unconvinced we alert clients trough email and Phone call that domain is going to expire so you need to renew it. On the other hand, if you are not happy with your current registrar or hosting provider or they are overcharging you from years, you will find us yourone stop solution whether you are to transfer a PK domain which is a documented process or other easily transferable web names. Feel free and secure and not support less with us and do bother us in case you want to register, transfer or renew any of the country level, popular or Pakistani domain names.